Surrogate Base Fee
Paid in ten (10) equally divided monthly installments as long as the Surrogate is pregnant, with the first payment due on the 1st of the month following confirmation of pregnancy by ultrasound fetal heartbeat. Any remaining installments shall be paid in one lump sum within thirty (30) days of the Surrogate giving birth. Should the Surrogate receive a positive blood pregnancy test result and a fertility specialist does not detect at least one fetal heartbeat through ultrasound prior to the Surrogate receiving her 1st installment payment under this selection, the Surrogate shall be entitled to receive $500.00 If Surrogate delivers child full term (on or after 34 weeks from date of embryo transfer), all payments listed above will be made even if child is stillborn or does not survive prior to hospital discharge. If Surrogate delivers prematurely (prior to 34 weeks from date of embryo transfer) and child does not survive prior to hospital discharge, Surrogate is entitled only to compensation received as of the date of delivery. Experienced surrogate base fee starting at $60,000 and up.Compensation
$45k to $100k*
*fees vary based on surrogate’s experience
Legal Contract Signing Bonus
Surrogate shall be entitled to a signing bonus of $1,500 to be payable on the first of the month after legal contracts have been signed by all parties.Compensation
Multiple Pregnancy Fee
Should the Surrogate remain pregnant with twins or triplets on the 1st of the month following the 18th week from the date of the embryo transfer or the 20th gestational week of pregnancy, she shall be entitled to begin receiving an additional multiple pregnancy fee, paid in equal monthly installment payments of $1,000.00 (per additional fetus), beginning the 1st of the month following the 18th week from the embryo transfer or the 20th gestational week of pregnancy, and continuing each month so long as the surrogate remains pregnant with twins or triplets. The remaining installment payments will be paid to the surrogate within thirty (30) days of giving birth; as set forth by the conditions listed below:
Additional Babies
For triplets
Monthly Expense Allowance
Non-accountable monthly expense allowance is intended to cover miscellaneous expenses relating to the surrogacy arrangement such as local travel (less than 75 miles round trip), meals, telephone charges, postage, fax charges, childcare charges for doctor and lab appointments, non-prescription vitamin/supplements and over the counter products. This expense allowance will start on the first of the month following the signing of the legal contract with her intended parents or the 1st month the surrogate begins IVF medications (whichever should occur first) and will end one month after giving birth or written legal termination, whichever should occur first.
If the Surrogate is required to travel more than 75 miles round-trip she will be entitled to reimbursement under the Long Distance Travel section below.
First time surrogate
Experienced surrogate
Injectable Medication Start Fee
Medication Start Fee to be paid once Surrogate begins IVF medication protocol.Compensation
Embyro Transfer Fee
Per completed transfer. Surrogate will be paid $1,500 as an additional non-accountable expense allowance on the 1st of the month after each embryo transfer procedure to reimburse Surrogate for all and any lost wages (companion included), housekeeping, childcare, and any miscellaneous expenses for a period of up to three (3) days. If Surrogate is required to travel over one hundred (100) miles and stay overnight, the Surrogate will be entitled to childcare and lost wages for travel days more than three (3) days in addition to the embryo transfer fee.Compensation
Dropped Cycle or Mock Cycle Fee
If cycle is cancelled due to no fault of the Surrogate, and she has already begun taking Injectable Medication, Surrogate will receive a drop cycle fee.
If the screening or cycling doctor requires the Surrogate to undergo a mock cycle, Surrogate will receive a mock cycle fee.
Maternity Clothing Allowance
Payable on the 1st of the month following the 16th gestational week or 14th gestational week in a multiple pregnancy.Singleton
Pregnancy Wellness Program
Surrogate may choose to participate and receive benefits of the following specialized professional (upon Global Surrogacy Inc. approval) services, which will be paid for by the Intended Parents. Eligibility and payment for such services shall begin upon the signing of the legal contract and the Surrogate shall remain eligible for the duration of the legal agreement with the Intended Parents and up to three (3) months after delivery.
Acupuncture/Pregnancy Massage/Vitamins/Nutritional Counseling: Surrogate may enroll in multiple service options and packages which shall begin with the first IVF cycle, continuing throughout the pregnancy and ending three (3) months after the delivery (includes High Quality Prenatal Vitamins).
Invasive Procedure/Inconvenience Fee
- D&C/Abortion/Termination - Before 13 weeks gestation - $2,500 or $4,000 after 13th week gestation
- Amnio or CVS per needle insertion - $500.00
- Fetal Reduction - $1,000 per needle insertion
- Ectopic Pregnancy - $2,000
- Cervical Cerclage - $500.00
- Any procedure requiring anesthesia - $500.00 (except if used as part of any other procedure)
- Uterine Biopsy - $500.00
- Loss of Fallopian Tube - $2,500.00 per fallopian tube
- Partial hysterectomy - $5,000.00 (partial which include loss of uterus only or ovaries alone)
- Full hysterectomy - $10,000.00
As stated by per procedure
Physician Recommended Cesarean Section (C-Section)
Should the surrogate deliver by physician recommended cesarean section she will be entitled to pain and suffering reimbursement in the amount listed under this section, which is inclusive of non-accountable postpartum expenses for childcare and housekeeping assistance during her recovery. The surrogate will not be required to supply a doctor’s note, medical records or discharge paperwork to be entitled this fee.Subsequent C-Section
Physician Ordered Bed Rest Assistance & Net Lost Wages
For physicians ordered bed rest after a pregnancy is achieved - limited to the net lost earnings after all deductions, and only the amount not paid by State Disability Insurance. (Surrogate must make a disability claim to be eligible to recover from the Intended Parents.) Surrogate’s embryo transfer fee is intended to reimburse surrogate for all lost wages and other miscellaneous expenses such as childcare or housekeeping as a result of the bed rest if overnight travel is not required. Surrogate must provide recent paycheck stubs to the Agency to qualify for lost wages.Compensation
Up to $10,000
Housekeeping Allowance
If the Surrogate is not on physician-ordered bed rest and is not receiving bed rest assistance, the Surrogate shall be entitled to receive a housekeeping allowance, beginning the 13th gestational week of pregnancy and ending one (1) week following delivery. The surrogate is required to provide receipts.Compensation
up to $2,500
Childcare reimbursement not included in non-accountable fees that childcare is included in. Receipts must be provided for reimbursement.Compensation
Up to $3,000
Supplying Breastmilk
Should the intended parents request the surrogate to pump break milk after giving birth and the surrogate agrees, the surrogate shall be entitled to receive $250.00 (per week) for each week she provides the intended parents with breast milk, regardless of the amount of breastmilk collected. The surrogate will be required to supply actual receipts prior to being reimbursed for any expense listed under this section. The intended parents and the surrogate must provide by a notice of intent as well as an end date for payments.per week
Long Distance Travel
If Surrogate is required to travel long distance (more than 75 miles round-trip from her home/work) to fulfill any of her contractual obligations, the Surrogate shall be entitled to a per diem; as set forth by the conditions listed below:
Travel Conditions: When traveling by vehicle, the surrogate shall be entitled to long distance mileage reimbursement (more than 75 miles round trip from her home/ work).
When traveling by air plane, travel arrangements will be made for the Surrogate by Global Surrogacy Inc. and a daily per diem will be issued.
If Surrogate travels by car more than 75 miles round trip from her home/work, she shall be reimbursed $0.75 per mile with proof of travel.
Per diem, per day
Monthly Support Group Meeting Attendance Fee
GSI hosts monthly support group meetings. Meetings are not mandatory. However, attendance is encouraged, especially for first time surrogates. For each meeting the surrogate attends, either in person or by video conference, the surrogate shall be entitled to reimbursement in the amount of $100. Surrogate will be reimbursed for each meeting she attends for up to three (3) months after a termination, abortion, or delivery. Should either party terminate the legal agreement the Surrogate shall be entitled to attend one (1) month following the written legal termination of the contract with the Intended Parents, whichever should occur first.Compensation per request
Group/Private Health Insurance Bonus
All surrogate candidates with group or private health insurance; through either their own employer, their partner’s employer or their parent’s employer; which the Intended Parents are not responsible for reimbursement of the monthly health insurance premiums, shall be entitled to receive a Health Insurance Bonus in the amount listed under this section; paid within 30 to 90 days after the birth has occurred, as long as the Surrogate’s health insurance plan/policy has successfully covered the pregnancy and delivery. This bonus shall only be paid to the Surrogate in the event the Surrogate’s health insurance plan is found by the Health Insurance Review Specialist to be sufficient for use during the surrogate arrangement; has indeed successfully covered the pregnancy and delivery care; does not reflect a lien provision in which a Health Insurance Security Deposit is required of the Intended Parents, and the Surrogate has submitted written evidence (i.e. Explanation of Benefits, delivery bill or any other insurance claim documentation) reflecting the Surrogate’s health insurance plan/policy has successfully covered the surrogate pregnancy and delivery and the insurance has paid their portion (any applicable amount required of the health insurance/policy as listed is the covered benefits of the Surrogate’s health insurance plan booklet). Furthermore, it is understood that any Surrogate with a health insurance plan or policy that is reviewed by a health insurance specialist and found to have a lien provision, shall not be entitled to receive a bonus.Compensation
Health Insurance Co-Payment/Deductibles & Cost Share
During the pregnancy, the intended parents shall be responsible for reimbursement of all related co-payments, deductibles and cost share amounts in relation to the medical care of the surrogate regardless of the surrogate’s type of health insuranceActual Cost
Life Insurance Policy
Surrogate shall be provided with a one year term life insurance policy in the amount of $250,000.00Provided by Intended Parents